- Primary CareThis course will provide attendees with a thorough working knowledge of the latest thoughts and trends in the diagnosis and management of systemic diabetes. Taught by an optometrist and an internal medicine physician, this unique course will give attendees tremendous confidence and insights for working with a patient’s primary care physician and other medical specialists in the new healthcare delivery model.
- GlaucomaThis course will present the current understanding of the relationship between functional and structural measurements in glaucoma to improve a clinician's ability to diagnose and manage glaucoma.
- Macular DegenerationThis presentation provides an introduction on the use of multi-spectral imaging technology in the diagnosis and management of retinal disease. Clinical utilization of ERG and VEP and macular pigment optical density measure will also be highlighted. The speaker will use clinical case presentations and science based-evidence to demonstrate the significance of early diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
- Laser Eye SurgeryIn reality, most people have some degree of astigmatism, which is usually present at birth and is believed to be hereditary. In minor cases, treatment may not be required but is certainly beneficial. Moderate to severe astigmatism can be treated with corrective eyewear or LASIK surgery.
- CataractsEye Conditions - Brief descriptions of the various eye conditions our member practices commonly see, diagnose and treat, including lazy eye, cataracts and more.
- Eye ExamRemember: This is not a substitute for a complete medical eye exam by a licensed optometrist. But it could help you identify potential vision problems that demand professional attention.
- Internal Medicine
- Diabetes Care
- Diabetic RetinopathyThis program will provide attendees with the latest thoughts on diagnosis, management, treatment and co-management protocols for patients with diabetes and diabetic retinopathy. Emphasis will be placed on the unique role that the entire medical team plays in patient management to maximize outcomes and continuity of care.
- Neck Pain
- Allergies