- FlooringNew construction, architectural applications, and repair and rehabilitation. FRPs have been used widely by civil engineers in the design of new structures. Bridges and columns built completely out of FRP composites have demonstrated exceptional durability, and effective resistance to effects of environmental exposure. Pre-stressing tendons, dowels, reinforcing bars, blast mitigation and grid reinforcement are all examples of the many diverse applications of FRP in new structures. Architects have also discovered the many applications for which FRP can be used. These include structural sub-systems such as siding/cladding, roofing, flooring and partitions. One of the most common uses of FRP involves the repair and rehabilitation of damaged or deteriorating structures. Several companies across the world are beginning to wrap damaged bridge piers to prevent collapse, improve the structural
- Framing
- New ConstructionHowever, microbes can create the chemical environment that may lead to corrosion of piping systems. This phenomenon occurs almost entirely in stagnant or slow moving water. The most common cases of corrosion where MIC is involved are fire protection and piping systems in new construction, when stagnant water is present.
- DemolitionThe cracking of the slab around the steel columns may be attributed to a combination of joint placement and plastic shrinkage. If the joints immediately surrounding the column do not allow for shrinkage, the column will act as an anchor. As the slab shrinks, it pulls away from the column, leaving the corner "torn off". While it was originally thought that cracking might have been caused by pile-driving and/or adjacent demolition work, the type of crack found (and shown in the photo) is indicative of plastic shrinkage. Cracks caused by adjacent work would generally be through fractures as a result of differential settlement, impact, or bending.
- ExcavationThe beginning of a construction project may involve excavation, fill, the addition of soil modifiers, dewatering - any number of processes that are meant to prepare the site for work.
- Irrigation SystemsThe following case study involved corrosion of a fire protection system through a microbiological process. Three steel pipe sections, three inches in diameter, were submitted to our laboratory for evaluation. The sections were from horizontal sections of a leaking fire protection sprinkler system.
- DecksWhen measuring thickness of SFRM on fluted decks IBC 1704.10.3.1 now references ASTM E605, while in the past we have used Technical Manual 12A. While the wording in the manual seemed confusing, an appendix clarified that 12 thickness measurements should be taken. Upon reading E605 it seems to indicate that we should “take four random symmetrical measurements”. With such a significant discrepancy between the two can you explain the right procedure?
- Siding
- Residential Roof Repair
- Residential Roof Replacement/Installation
- MasonryA further clarification is found in “Reinforced Concrete Masonry Construction Inspector’s Handbook” Fourth Edition, which indicates “The 2-inch cube is typically used for laboratory prepared mortar while the 2 inch x 4 inch cylindrical specimen is used for field cast mortar”.