- Headaches
- Primary CareWhen you come to Riverside EyeCare Professionals, your ophthalmologist will perform a comprehensive eye exam and review your medical history to determine if cataract surgery is the best option for improving your vision. If there are questions about your overall health that could complicate surgery, your cataract surgeon may require appropriate medical clearance from your primary care physician.
- GlaucomaMillions of Americans suffer from glaucoma, an eye condition caused by increased fluid pressure on the optic nerve that may lead to gradual loss of vision. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world, and is especially dangerous since many people are unaware they have the condition until permanent visual damage has already occurred. Glaucoma is prevalent in people over the age of 40; however, it can occur at any age. Although there is no cure for glaucoma, early diagnosis and treatment can successfully prevent further vision loss and save your eyesight. Our experienced board-certified ophthalmologists offer a number of advanced glaucoma treatment options here at Riverside EyeCare Professionals.
- OphthalmologyDr. Sumsion came to Riverside EyeCare Professionals from San Antonio, Texas where he served as a Resident Physician and an Associate Clinical Professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center. His accomplishments during his time at University of Texas includes being a contributor and author on five peer review articles detailing various ocular studies, participating in a Pediatric Ophthalmology Medical Mission Trip in Honduras, and receiving the Resident of the Year Award in June of 2016.
- Macular DegenerationMacular degeneration, often referred to as Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), is one of the leading causes of blindness and vision impairment in people over 50 years of age. This debilitating eye condition has even been known to affect vision in patients as young as their 40s, and often starts with symptoms like mild blurriness or distortion, and gets progressively worse over time. The macula is a small spot close to the center of the retina that allows you to clearly see textures, colors, and fine details. Macular degeneration is characterized by the gradual breaking down of the eye’s macula.
- Laser Eye SurgeryIf you are considering laser vision correction to help you improve nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism while reducing your dependence on glasses and contact lenses, PRK can be a remarkably effective treatment. Often considered an excellent alternative to LASIK, this FDA-approved option actually preceded LASIK as the standard in laser vision correction. Though LASIK has gained more popularity and visibility over the years, the PRK procedure is equally advanced and can deliver comparable results when performed safely and correctly by our experienced board-certified ophthalmologists. Dr. Michael Sumsion and Dr. Sean Sumsion offer this innovative treatment using our state-of-the-art laser technology right here at Riverside EyeCare Professionals.
- CataractsCommitted to using some of the most advanced technology available for vision correction, cataract removal, and treatment of eye disease.
- Cataract SurgeryAt Riverside EyeCare Professionals, we utilize the latest advances in cataract surgery to safely and effectively remove cataracts. Our board-certified cataract surgeons, Dr. Michael Sumsion and Dr. Sean Sumsion, have made cataract surgery a special focus of their practice, and are committed to helping you restore your vision and lifestyle. During your initial consultation and eye evaluation, your ophthalmologist will discuss the procedure, explain all your options and answer any of your questions about cataract surgery.
- Eye ExamMake sure your eye glasses and contact lens prescription provide you with the clearest possible vision. Our optometrist will perform a comprehensive eye exam to identify your vision challenges and determine the precise degree of correction you require. In addition to updating your vision prescription, your optometrist will perform a series of diagnostic tests and examine the structure of your eyes to detect specific vision challenges, eye diseases, or serious conditions requiring attention. Contact lens fittings are also
- Anxiety
- Diabetes Care
- Diabetic RetinopathyThe beginning stages of diabetic retinopathy often display no symptoms; however, there are signals to watch out for. These include...
- UltrasoundPrior to your day of surgery, you will be scheduled to come in for ultrasound testing, which determines accurate measurements of your eye.
- Eyelid SurgeryFor more information about eyelid surgery, we welcome you to explore the video and educational sections provided below, or contact our practice...
- BlepharoplastyThe two types of blepharoplasty refer to which region is being addressed during the procedure, either the upper eyelid or the lower eyelid. Each variation of blepharoplasty is designed to correct a different group of cosmetic and/or vision-related concerns...
- LesionsIn some cases, patients with retinal conditions that can complicate cataract surgery may require clearance from a specialist. Diabetic macular edema, retinal vein occlusion, peripheral retinal lesions, uveitis, and epiretinal membrane formation can potentially impact the outcome of cataract surgery. A retinal specialist will be uniquely qualified to closely inspect the retinal tissue for disease, determine the degree of disease, and perform treatments that can improve the patient’s candidacy status for cataract surgery. If or when patients are cleared for surgery, the specialist will provide approval for our eye surgeons to perform cataract surgery.