- Divorce
- Child SupportOur purpose is to provide you with information regarding Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Visitation, Spousal Support, Modifications, Enforcements, Adoptions, Marital Agreements and other Family Law issues in Texas. We consult with you to evaluate the particulars of your case and help you come to a conclusion as to how you'd like to proceed. We understand the need to alleviate some of the stress involved in these kinds of decisions and we'll work with you to determine a proper course of action.
- Child Custody and Visitation
- Adoption
- Spousal Support
- Wrongful DeathIf you are injured or a family member is killed because of the wrongful conduct of a person or persons, you, as the injured party or the heir of the decedent may file a wrongful death action against those responsible for the injury or the decedent's death. This area of Tort Law is governed by Texas state statute. In general the statute defines who may sue for injury due to wrongful conduct or wrongful death and what, if any, limits may be applied to an award of damages. If you've been recently injured or suffered the loss of a loved one in a wrongful death accident, it is critical that you seek assistance as soon as possible to investigate your case. You need a competent attorney such as Christina Fox to help preserve your rights.
- Traffic ViolationsWarrants for traffic violations can be a reason why your license is suspended. Sometimes, simply taking care of a warrant on a traffic violation can take your license out of a suspended status. Our firm can file a surety bond for any warrants you may have regarding traffic violations. Filing a surety bond with the courts, will lift your warrant(s) usually within 24 hours. In most instances, the fee for our firm to file a surety bond on your traffic warrants is cheaper than using a bonds bailsman. With the 2013 Great Texas Warrant Roundup, many citizens are finding themselves inconvenienced and embarrassed by getting arrested for outstanding warrants. Do not let this be you, call us today!
- Personal InjuryDallas/ Ft. Worth Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Family Law, Chapter 11, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Ticket Defense and Law Firm
- BankruptcyChapter 11 bankruptcy, also known as a business bankruptcy, is for corporations that have the potential to be a viable business if it were free from debt. This bankruptcy would allow the business to restructure secured debts, reduce unsecured debts and still continue to operate. It will help the business owner put a Plan of Reorganization in place so that the business can continue to flourish once the bankruptcy is completed. The goal of a Chapter 11 is to propose a plan that will make a struggling business a more profitable business.
- ForeclosureMillions of people have turned to filing bankruptcy to eliminate debt and stop foreclosure. In the current economic environment in particular, bankruptcy is seen as a viable option for those overwhelmed by debt and unable to pay their bills. To discover how filing bankruptcy may benefit you, call and let us help you wade through your options and come up with a plan that will suit your financial needs.