Introducing a new way to get business internet. Pay as you go for just $65 a month.
*- No Long Term Contracts
- No Cancellation Fees
- No Activation Fees
Welcome to your set-it-and-forget-it internet service.
Eliminate Deal Searching
Get the best speed we can offer in your area for $65 right from the start.
Stay Focused On Your Business
We'll provide experienced 24/7 technical support.
Embrace Greater Simplicity
Enjoy the simplicity of a monthly, pay-as-you-go internet plan featuring automatic payment options and simple, clear billing statements.
Power Your Business
Enable business applications and mobility features with reliable high-speed internet.*Additional modem and installation fees apply. Rate excludes taxes. Maximum speed 140Mbps. Some speeds may not be available in your area. *Additional telecommunication provider services available. **Additional services available include: Phone (VoIP), Cloud services and TV for small businesses.Read More Less