- Arthritis
- Primary Care*94. Common retinal diseases for primary care physicians. Boldrey, E.E., Fifth International Convention of Vietnamese Physicians of the Free World, San Jose, California, July 30, 1995.
- Family Practice*80-83. The Retina. Family Practice Lectures in Ophthalmology. Boldrey, E.E., San Jose Hospital, San Jose, California, May 4, 1993; May 3, 1994; May 2, 1995; and May 7, 1996.
- Infectious DiseasesCeline M. Koropchak, Gail Graham, JAMES D. PALMER, Mark Winesburg, Shirley F. Ting, Mark Wallace, Charles G. Prober, and Ann M. Arvin. Investigation of Varicella-Zoster Virus Infection by Polymicrase Chain Reaction in Immunocompetent Host with Acute Varicella. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1991, 163:1016-1022.
- Glaucoma7. Wieland, M.R., Spaeth, G.L.: Use of digital compression following glaucoma surgery. Presented at the Fortieth Annual Wills Eye Conference, March 1988.
- Ophthalmology10. Lincoff, H., Smith, R., Wieland, M., Comaratta, M.: The clinical measurement of intraocular gases. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, May 1990.
- Macular DegenerationLaser: Involves the use of highly focused light to seal leaking blood vessels in diabetes, macular degeneration and other retinal blood vessel problems. Laser can also be used to repair torn retinas.
- Laser Eye SurgeryThree 30-minute color videotapes utilizing cow eyes and pig eyes to demonstrate techniques for the use of vitrectomy instrumentation in anterior and posterior segment eye surgery, April 23, 1978.
- Cataracts8. Wieland, M.R., Siepser, S.B.: Biocompatibility of the expansile concept hydrogel intraocular lens. Presented at the American Society of Cataract and Refractile Surgery, March 1988.
- Eye ExamA complete eye examination with dilating drops is absolutely necessary. Bright sources of light must be used to see the back of your eye.
- Pregnancy
- Neurology
- Diabetes Care39. Klein RF, Feingold KR, Morgan C, Stern WH, Siperstein MD: Relationship of muscle capillary basement membrane thickness and diabetic retinopathy. Diabetes Care 10:195, 1987.
- Diabetic Retinopathy2001-2002 A phase III clinical trial for protein kinase C b inhibitor-diabetic retinopathy study 2 (PKC-DRS2); protocol B7A-MC-MBCM. Retina Clinical Research Unit, Wills Eye Hospital (Co-investigator), Funded by Eli Lily
- General Surgery
- Skin CancerLogani S, Borrillo JL, Schroeder RP, Weinberg DV, Jampol LM, Small W, Johnson P, Shetty RM. Intraoperative ultrasonographic verification of radioactive plaque localization in the treatment of choroidal melanoma. International Congress of Eye Tumors, Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. May 1999
- Burns