- Basket Of Light$130.00this delicate wicker basket filled with beautiful white flowers will surely spread some light to those you're thinking of. perfect for the service or the home.one small wicker basket with handle arrives filled with white carnations, larkspur and roses.
- White Expressions Basket$150.00if you want to pay tribute in a grand manner, send this impressive arrangement of white flowers. they'll convey exactly how you feel.one funeral basket arrives with white carnations, gladioli, larkspur and snapdragons in a traditionally styled design.
- Hope And Honor Cross$225.99this striking red and white cross honors your loved one in a faithful way.one white chrysanthemum solid-flower cross on an easel arrives decorated with a cluster of red carnations.
- Birch Compassion Cross$150.00a natural birch cross decorated with colorful flowers offers faith and compassion in a simple, yet beautiful way.one natural birch cross on an easel arrives with a cluster of vibrant fresh flowers including asters, roses and delphinium.
- Pure White Casket Spray$250.00this casket spray with its array of white carnations, larkspur, asters and stock adds a pure and loving gesture to the service.one casket spray arrives decorated with white carnations, larkspur, lisianthus, asters and stock, and simple foliage.
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