- Divorce
- Child Support
- Adoption
- GuardianshipNew Hampshire Probate Courts address a number of legal issues beyond the legal process of administering an estate. Probate Courts also have jurisdiction over the termination of parental rights, adoption, name changes, and guardianship. If you have legal proceedings in the Probate Court, I can assist you.
- Spousal Support
- Criminal DefenseDAVID C. WING, ESQUIRE, a lifelong resident of New Hampshire, was born in 1965 in Concord. Attorney Wing received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in 1989 at the University of New Hampshire, and his Juris Doctorate from Franklin Pierce Law Center (now known as University of New Hampshire School of Law) in 1993. He has served clients in southern New Hampshire since being admitted to the New Hampshire Bar and the Federal Bar for the United States District Court for the District of New Hampshire in 1993. Attorney Wing has conducted trials and hearings in New Hampshire’s Superior, District, Probate, and Family Courts, as well as before administrative bodies and the New Hampshire Supreme Court. David is a member of the Nashua Bar Association and the New Hampshire Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.
- Sex CrimesWhen you hire my office for any criminal matter, no matter how complex or small, you will get personalized representation to best defend you at this critical time in your life.
- Misdemeanors
- Drug Crimes
- Restraining Order
- Business Disputes
- Premises LiabilityThere are many challenges to receiving fair compensation facing people who are injured. I advocate for my clients by developing the strongest case and best legal strategy for each unique case. Insurance companies aggressively protect their financial interests. As a result, clients need strong advocacy to receive just compensation for their injuries.
- Construction Litigation
- Landlord-Tenant Disputes
- Personal InjuryIf you have been seriously injured through no fault of your own, please contact me to ensure that you maximize your recovery against the person responsible for your injuries. Many situations can lead to a claim for compensation such as...
- Medical Malpractice
- Auto Accidents
- Dog Bites
- Estate Planning
- WillsSecuring your future can be achieved through proper advance planning. Our office is able to draft the documents necessary to ensure proper planning for the future. Some of the most common documents drafted are a Last Will and Testament, a Healthcare Power Of Attorney, a Living Will, a Durable Power Of Attorney for Financial Matters, and Revocable Trusts. If you need assistance in determining which documents are right for you, please contact me.
- Power of Attorney
- ProbateDavid’s focus in his practice of law is civil litigation, criminal law, family law, personal injury law, probate law, motor vehicle accidents and appellate law. David’s thorough preparation has contributed to many successful outcomes for his clients. David also provides referrals for clients to professionals who can assist with any nonlegal issues which may arise. In addition to using the Court system to resolve difficult and complex legal disputes, David has participated in many mediations. Mediation is a cost effective alternative to Court proceedings, and may result in a positive outcome without the expense of, and need for, an uncertain judicial determination of the legal dispute. David maintains flexibility to achieve the desired result for the client whether in a Court, or in a mediation setting, and is always straightforward in his dealings with his clients.