- Warts
- Primary CareExpect face-to-face interaction with an experienced physician at every visit to this practice. We provide expert, caring and compassionate primary care services for a wide range of health problems.
- Emergency Care
- Internal MedicineDoctors of internal medicine focus on adult medicine and have had special study and training focusing on the prevention and treatment of adult diseases.
- Chemotherapy
- Mohs SurgerySkin Cancer treatment by Dr. Susan Sleep includes prevention, surgery and SRT (non-surgical treatment equal in efficacy to Mohs surgery without deformity or scaring).
- Botox
- Cosmetic SurgeryAesthetic Medicine refers to the medical treatment of cosmetic problems. Aesthetic Medicine is not as invasive as cosmetic surgery, such as facelifts. It can be more effective and last longer than creams, lotions and other topical products, whether over-the-counter or prescription.
- Cosmetic DermatologyWe are board certified in Internal Medicine, dealing with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of adult diseases. Dr. Sandell has a focus on Integrative Medicine. Dr. Sleep expanded her practice to include Medical and Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser Medicine.
- Skin CancerThe leading cause of skin cancer is the sun. Chronic sun exposure and repeat sun burn as a child and adolescent leaves lasting damage long after the burn and tan have faded away. Repeated small doses of sun exposure can result in skin cancer twenty to forty years later.
- DermatologyMedical or general dermatology is the diagnosis and treatment of skin, hair, and nail conditions. The skin is also affected by internal diseases and disorders.
- Acne Treatment
- EczemaAnother fairly common type of skin cancer is called squamous cell carcinoma. It also arises in areas that have been frequently exposed to the sun such as the ears, face, neck, and the back of hands. It may appear as tender skin colored bumps or thick crusted areas that will not heal. It sometimes resembles and is misdiagnosed as dermatitis, eczema or “ring worm”. Removal or destruction can often cure squamous cell carcinoma, however it does have the potential of invading the blood stream and metastasizing.
- LesionsDr. Sleep can also screen for cancerous growths, precancerous lesions, and determine if any skin discoloration is normal or potentially harmful.
- Rashes
- PsoriasisDr. Sleep treats ongoing conditions such as acne, rosacea, psoriasis and eczema, and treats temporary rashes including hives, infections and viral skin conditions.