- Divorce
- Child AbuseDomestic violence, including domestic battery, spousal abuse, child abuse, stalking, harassment, violation of a restraining order and many others
- Criminal DefenseIt can be a lot easier for your child to be charged with assault than you might think. Gone are the days when a playground scuffle ended in the principal’s office. Today, your child could be taken away by the police and face charges that could have a number of negative consequences. If your child has been arrested for assault or another violent offense, it is important that you seek the advice of a capable criminal defense lawyer immediately.
- DUI/DWIUnder Illinois’ implied consent law, every person who applies for and accepts a driver’s license agrees to abide by certain rules in exchange for the right to operate a vehicle in our state. Included in those rules is your consent to submit to a DUI breath test if law enforcement suspects that you may be driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI).
- Traffic ViolationsMost people don’t give traffic tickets a second thought. Get stopped for speeding, get a ticket, pay the fine and get on with your life. What many people don’t understand is that when you pay the fine you admit guilt, and when you admit guilt, you get a conviction. Under Illinois law, if you get too many traffic violation convictions within a certain time frame, it can lead to the suspension of your driver’s license.
- Sex CrimesThe very nature of sex crimes involving children makes them very challenging cases from the start. In many cases, there is a presumption of guilt that must be overcome, putting you behind before you ever get a chance to answer the charges against you. Perhaps now more than any other time, it is critical that you have strong representation from a skilled Joliet child sexual abuse lawyer.
- FraudCredit card theft and check fraud offenses are serious crimes that are taken very seriously by the Illinois legal system. Many of these offenses can be charged as felonies which, if you are convicted, can lead to extremely severe penalties, including substantial fines and lengthy jail sentences. If you have been charged with a credit card theft or check fraud offense, or if you are being investigated for one, speak to a reliable Illinois defense attorney immediately.
- RobberyConvictions in burglary, theft and robbery cases can cause sweeping, negative changes in your life and in your family’s future. Contact us immediately for a free initial consultation if we can be of service in defending you.
- BurglaryThe Law Office of Steven Haney in Joliet, Illinois, has been providing suspects in burglary and theft cases with experienced, aggressive and knowledgeable legal representation for over 20 years.
- White Collar CrimesComputer/Internet fraud: We represent clients who are under investigation for, or who have been charged with, white collar crimes involving computer or Internet usage, such as credit card fraud, eBay fraud, identity theft, Internet gaming fraud and other illegal scams conducted over the Internet.
- Theft
- MisdemeanorsWhen many people think about obstructing justice or resisting arrest, they usually think of a minor crime with little or no consequence. While it is true that the majority of these offenses are misdemeanors, what you probably don’t know is that if you are found guilty of such an offense, it automatically shows up as a conviction, leaving you with a permanent criminal record.
- EmbezzlementEmbezzlement offenses involve the taking of money or property by a person who has been entrusted with their care. The penalties for a conviction in embezzlement cases can be quite severe and may include fines, jail time and restitution, among others. The higher the value of the property taken, the more severe the penalties will be.
- Drug CrimesJoliet drug crimes defense attorney Steven Haney has decades of experience successfully helping clients who have been investigated for, or charged with, a serious narcotics or drug offense such as possession, trafficking or delivery of cocaine or crystal meth?
- AssaultFrom simple assault to felony aggravated battery charges, the Law Office of Steven of Steven Haney in Joliet, Illinois, provides over 20 years of experienced legal advice, representation and guidance through the justice system. Contact us to discuss the criminal charges you face.
- MurderMurder and manslaughter are some of the worst charges a person can face. With a minimum penalty of two years in prison for felony manslaughter, to a 20-year minimum up to life sentence for first degree murder, anyone facing these types of crimes in Illinois needs the best defense they can get.
- Juvenile CrimesWe strive to ensure that the matter goes no further than juvenile court. Juvenile law, after all, is mainly governed, overseen and enforced by the state and its juvenile code. While the main goal of our Illinois juvenile justice system is rehabilitation, having your case or that of your child heard in juvenile court is vastly preferable to adult court. It is important to understand, however, that some juvenile cases are sent to adult court when the juvenile court relinquishes its jurisdiction.
- Probation ViolationWe will professionally, passionately and comprehensively defend your case on your behalf and those of your family and your future. If your peaceful life and routine have been abruptly derailed by drug offense allegations, be in touch with our Joliet law office today.
- Identity TheftThe Law Office of Steven Haney handles a wide range of state and federal crimes involving fraud and identity theft such as...
- HomicideIf you have been arrested on homicide, manslaughter or similar charges in Illinois, trust in our Joliet law firm to provide the experienced, aggressive and knowledgeable criminal defense counsel you need and deserve. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.
- ArsonIllinois regulators take arson offenses very seriously. Under Illinois arson laws, anyone convicted for an arson offense must register with local law enforcement for up to 10 years following conviction or release from jail. As a result, even seemingly absentminded mistakes like discarding a cigarette in an inappropriate place which causes a fire can have serious ramifications if the state views the situation as arson.
- ShopliftingAt the Law Office of Steven Haney, our Joliet retail fraud attorney represents juvenile and adult clients alike in a wide variety of shoplifting cases. As a former Will County prosecutor, Mr. Haney understands how the other side prepares its cases and he knows which defense strategies will give you the best chance of securing a favorable outcome.
- Restraining Order
- ForgeryIllinois state charges of forgery include the unauthorized creation or alteration, possession or the use of any document with the intent to defraud others. From checks and money orders to driver’s licenses and signatures, including digital signatures, forgery is a felony offense carrying sentences of up to seven years in prison. Our forgery defense lawyer knows the laws and what the state must prove to convict you.
- ManslaughterFor over 20 years the Joliet, Illinois Law Office of Steven Haney has been dedicated to skilled defense representation of those facing a wide range of misdemeanor and felony charges. If you face a felony conviction for manslaughter or murder, contact us immediately. The sooner we get involved the better chance we have of making a difference in the outcome.
- Internet CrimesIn our ever-expanding electronic age, Internet crimes that were once only reserved for computers now include cell phones, PDAs, some MP3 players and other electronic devices that provide access to the Internet. In recent years, one of the fastest growing and most aggressively prosecuted areas of Internet crime is sex crimes.
- ProstitutionHave you been charged with a sex crime or sexual offense? We help people accused of sexual assault/abuse, child sexual abuse & pornography, internet sex crimes, solicitation of a minor, and prostitution offenses.
- Hit and Run
- Personal InjuryIn 1993, he left the Office of Rooks, Pitts & Poust to form his own law firm concentrating on criminal and injury cases. In the past 30-plus years, Steve has been involved as lead counsel in some of the areas most publicized criminal and personal injury trials, including the
- Medical MalpracticeIn 1989, Steve left the office of the state’s attorney to work in the Joliet office of the Chicago law firm of Rooks, Pitts & Poust. This experience included the litigation and negotiation of multimillion-dollar injury claims involving defective products, medical malpractice, insurance disputes, automobile accidents and construction injuries.
- Auto Accidents