- Divorce
- Child SupportChild support is calculated using a statewide formula which takes into consideration the gross income of each parent, child care expenses, health insurance expenses, and other ongoing, necessary expenses that the child may have. Although this calculation is most often followed, there are circumstances under which it can be modified. Our office can help you determine what child support may be in your individual case.
- Child Custody and VisitationDissolution of Marriage (what Missouri calls divorce) is a complex legal action which affects every aspect of your family - child custody and support, division of the property you have acquired during the marriage, and can include a provision for grandparent visitation rights.
- AdoptionWhen you have been married to your spouse for a period of nine months, it is possible for your spouse to adopt your child/children. Normally this is done when the other natural parent is deceased or consents to the adoption. There are times, however, such as when the child has been abandoned for a period of time, that the adoption can be granted without the consent of the other natural parent. We will be more than happy to talk with you about your step-parent adoption.
- Paternity
- Guardianship
- Criminal Defense
- Traffic ViolationsIf you have a ticket, whether it is a simple speeding ticket, a Driving While Suspended or a Driving While Under the Influence of Alcohol/Drugs, call our office before you do anything else. A ticket can add points to your driving record thereby increasing your insurance rates.
- MisdemeanorsWe represent clients with misdemeanor (municipal court) charges, criminal non-support charges, domestic violence, and circuit court charges.
- Wills
- Power of Attorney
- Probate
- BankruptcyA Chapter 7 bankruptcy is referred to as a “total liquidation”. People whose income falls below the median are usually eligible for a Chapter 7.