- Internal Medicine
- NeurologyClinical indications for PET/CT include oncology, neurology and cardiology. In oncology, rapidly growing neoplasms fuel their growth with glucose making FDG PET/CT the most sensitive and specific modality for imaging them. In Alzheimer’s disease, FDG PET/CT can detect disease specific reductions in neuronal activity long before it can be detected with any other test. In cardiology, FDG PET/CT can accurately assess myocardial viability in hypo-perfused regions of the myocardium.
- Ultrasound
- MRIPositron Emission Tomography, commonly referred to as PET/CT, is an advanced diagnostic imaging procedure, like MRI and CT. PET/CT is a scanner that has PET and CT combined into one unit. The PET/CT scanner acquires both PET and CT images almost simultaneously.
- RadiologyPET/CT Imaging of Berkeley is an American College of Radiology accredited PET and CT facility that is proud to have been providing both PET/CT and diagnostic CT services in Berkeley, California, since 2004.
- Nuclear MedicinePositron emission tomography (PET) is a nuclear medicine imaging modality that can be used to create whole body images of physiological processes. In contrast, CT and MR create images of anatomy. PET/CT is a newly developed technology that combines a fully diagnostic PET/CT scanner with a fully diagnostic CT scanner that can simultaneously create complementary images of physiology and anatomy.
- Computed TomographyThe PET scan creates an image of how the body is functioning, while the CT scan creates an image of the body’s anatomy. Together, they provide the most accurate test for many types of disease.
- Interventional Radiology